Математические структуры и моделирование: Сб. научн. тр./ Под ред. А.К.Гуца. Омск: Омск. гос. ун-т, 2001. Вып. 8. 178 с.
ISBN 5-8239-0078-3
Сборник составлен из статей преподавателей и аспирантов математического факультета Омского государственного университета и других вузов.
Для научных работников, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов.

Полная версия сборника

Фундаментальная математика
УДК 523.164
Ю.Ф. Борисов.УДК 523.164
Линейная связность как класс эквивалентности изоморфизмов.

In this paper a definition of linear connection on smooth manifold is given.

УДК 512.817
G.A. Noskov.
Bounded shortening in Coxeter complexes and buildings.

We prove that the standard generating set for a Coxeter group of finite rank satisfies "falsification by a fellow traveller property" in the sense of W. Neumann and M. Shapiro. In particular this implies that the geodesic words in standard generators form a regular language. Similar property established for buildings and this implies rationality of growth series for certain groups acting on buildings.

УДК 513.813
А.Н. Романов.
Лоренцева функция расстояния на цилиндрических многообразиях.

In this article we will study the behaviour of Lorentzian distance function on cylindrical spaces, and will consider the reasons, bringing about origin of infinite importances of this function.

УДК 517.382:517.58
С.Д. Симонженков.
О некоторых интегралах теории полупроводников.

A method for numerical evaluation of some integrals appearing in semiconductor theory by means of the confluent hypergeometric functions is described.

УДК 517.53:517.947.42
Ю.Ф. Стругов.
О существовании экстремальных квазиконформных в среднем отображений.
In this article proof existence of extremal mappings of circular domain that are quasi-conformal in the mean with free values on another component is presented.


УДК 519.6
А.В. Кондратьев.
Ускорение методов решения систем линейных уравнений.

In this article some applications of accelleration methods for finite element problems is presented.

УДК 007:681.518.2
В.А. Маренко.
Способы представления данных в экспертных системах.

The typical models of knowledge representation in expert systems are considered in the present article. The description of symantic nets is given in terms of fuzzy sets.

УДК 517.938
Б.К. Нартов.
Метод фиктивных потоков.

The new method of the optimization of the Smooth dynamic Systems of initial characteristics is discribed.

УДК 517.977
Б.К. Нартов.
О методе упругих функций.

In the paper the new method`s possibilities of the formalization of the path (trajectory`s) problems in the form of the optimal control problems are presented.

УДК 519.6:611.716.4:616.716.4-089.28-053:612.015
В.М. Семенюк, А.В. Артюхов, А.В. Сырцова, А.К. Гуц.
Математические модели интактного моляра и моляра после гемисекции.

A part of the crown and one of molar-roots can be used as a base for dentures. We have applied morphological findings and computer modeling in order to mathematically motivate the use the remained root and a part of the crown.

УДК 53.072+536.425
В.Н. Бородихин, А.Н. Вакилов, В.В. Прудников.
Определение критических параметров эффективного гамильтониана слабо неупорядоченной трехмерной модели Изинга.

For the first time the critical parameters of the effective Hamiltonian for weakly disordered three-dimensional Ising model are determined by Monte Carlo simulation.

Теоретическая физика

УДК 530.12:531.51
Е.В. Палешева.
Спинорные духи, теневые электроны и мультиверс Дойча.

In this article the new solution of the Einstein-Dirac's equations is presented. There are ghost spinors, i.e. the stress-energy tensor equal to zero and the current of these fields is non-zero vector. Last the ghost neutrinos was found. These spinors and shadow particles of Deutsch are identified. And in result the ghost spinors have a phisical interpretation and shadow electrons as another shadow particles the field equations are got.

УДК 530.12:531.51
А.К. Гуц.
Теоретико-топосная модель мультиверса Дойча.

The Deutsch multiverse is collection of parallel universes. In this article a formal theory of the Deutsch multiverse and a topos-theoretic model of multiverse are given. For this the Lawvere-Kock Synthetic Differential Geometry and models for smooth infinitesimal analysis are used.

УДК 530.145
С.В. Демин.
Волны вероятности в стохастических процессах.

In double-slit experiment in random-walk of the macroparticles waves of probability are discovered. A preferred values of energy of these particles corresponds to them. Describing these phenomenas, author tries to apply laws of quantum mechanics, replacing constant h by the parameter, which is a characteristic of the physical system.

УДК 53.01.91
О.Т. Данилова.
О возможности переработки сырья сложного состава в высокочастотной индукционной плазме.

High-frequency induction plasma characteristics have been investigated by flow visualisation technique with high-speed camera shooting. The heating process of heterogeneouses particles injected into a plasma jet is analysed.

Математическая социология

УДК 51-77
В.В. Коробицын, Ю.В. Фролова.
Мульти-агентная модель импульсного влияния на процесс гендерного взаимодействия в обществе.

In the paper the simulation model of gender contact of agents in artificial society is presented . We are studying the process of the male's and female's interaction based on gender relations. The females radiate the charm pulses. Responding to these pulses, the males choose a female. The computer models were realized on SWARM. Under the computer simulation with various initial data, we reveal three types of agent interaction.

УДК 51-77
Л.А. Паутова, Ю.В. Фролова.
Гендер как «интрига»: возможности компьютерного моделирования в исследовании гендерных систем.

The purpose of this paper was to use the possibilities of computer simulation for investigation of gender systems. Defining the gender as an intrigue allows easy to proceed to constructing the model of gender interaction in society. Submersion in world of artificial gender relations allows to understand real relations. Two simulation models of gender interactions are considered.

Информационные технологии и искуственный интеллект

УДК 681.518
Е.А. Костюшина.
Опыт эксплуатации модуля «Автозачисление» информационно-аналитической системы «Абитуриент» ОмГУ.

In the paper the experience using the algorithm of automation the process of enrolment entrants is described.

УДК 681.518
И.А. Земсков.
О концепции индексации информационных ресурсов сети Интернет.

In this article two methods building a full-text index for the Web are described..

УДК 519.71
О.Г. Чанышев.
Критерий близости документов и кластеризация.

In this article the algorithm for automatic clustering is presented. This algorithm is based on original model of the real text. Automatically extracted «dominant lexems» are using for automatic clustering of non-grupped beforehand sets of documents.

Экономическая математика

УДК 519.86:336.2.027
Г.В. Песчанских.
К вопросу сочетания стимулирующего воздействия на налогоплательщиков и внеэкономического принуждения для повышения поступления в бюджетную систему.

In this article the approach to the choice of balance between some abilities to improve of level tax and financial discipline are presented. It is an economical incitement and force get on taxpayer. The author built the mathemetical model that are demonstrated the functional correlation between reduction of taxes and raise of working efficiency of legal and control orgfns on first steps of reforms in tax sphere.

УДК 519.86:336.2.027
Г.В. Песчанских.
Возможность моделирования деятельности органов налоговой полиции и направления использования его результатов.

In this article the peculiarities of the tax police organs that help modeling it's work are presented. It is "technological" correlation between ordered steps. The directeds of use this approach for solve of legal problems in the tax police area, optimal utilization of resourses are demonstrated.

Преподавание математики

УДК 51:378
В.А. Далингер.
Анализ типичных ошибок, допускаемых студентами при изучении предела функции и дифференциального исчисления.

The article analyses the subject and containing aspects of typical mistakes made by students in the process of the function limit studying and differential counting of the function of a variable.

УДК 51:372.851
Т.Н. Алешкова.
Формирование культуры математического мышления средствами истории математики.

In this article the concept of mathematical thinking's culture is determined, and methods of its forming by means of history of mathematics are offered.

УДК 51:378
Н.Г. Русанова.
Связь дополнительного и основного курсов математики.

In the article additional education and standart course of mathematics as basic making common education, their connection and succession, are considered. Moreover the problem of break between preparation of learning high schools and the university requirements is studied.