Математические структуры и моделирование (Выпуск 11)
Журнал / Под ред. А.К.Гуца.
Омск: Омск. гос. ун-т, 2003. Вып. 11. 184 с.
ISBN 5-8239-0128-3
Для научных работников, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов.
Полная версия журнала
Фундаментальная математика
О.Т. Данилова, Р.Т. Файзуллин.
Приближенный глобальный алгоритм решения задачи коммивояжера с неравенством треугольника.
We purpose algorithm for the salesman problem with
triangle unequality based on consideration of the solution as a
smoothest trajectory.
А.Т. Когут.
Численный алгоритм решения нелинейных уравнений с использованием вторых производных.
In this article a modification of Newton's method for solution of nonlinear equation is reviewed. The Newton's method
may be derived by decomposition of nonlinear smooth functions in linear section of Taylor's series taking into account
only the first derivative. It is offered a linear approximation, based on Taylor's series and including second-order
derivative. Both forms of linearization were received by means of which the recurrence procedures, that use classical
Newton's method, were designed. Convergence of worked out algorithms was examined and the cubic speed was obtained.
А.М. Мызников.
Решение больших систем нелинейных уравнений применительно к задачам расчета гидравлических, тепловых и электрических сетей.
This article describe the method to solve large nonlinear equation systems of
gydraulic type. The method is a modification of the method performed in the
work. This modification allow to solve the tasks more
quickly and to use the method in other areas, like to solve
equation systems in electrical engineering.
А.А. Чемёркин.
О некоторых свойствах секвенциального замыкания.
In this paper it is proved that the operation of
sequential closure generates some topology on a set. Properties of
this topology are considered.
В.А. Стадников, С.Н. Чуканов.
Описание гладких векторных полей динамических систем с помощью списков характеристик особых точек.
The method of the global description of dynamic systems on the base of
the performances lists of DS singular points, invariant to maps of DS
state vector is considered in the paper
Траекторные кривые динамических систем.
The method of the local description of the dynamic system
trajectory on the base of the connection and the method of the
connection forming from Frenet-Serret equations are considered in
the paper.
С.В. Белим, С.Ю. Белим.
Реализация логических операций на основе квантового нейрона.
The two possible realizations of the quantum neuron are considered.
It is shown that the most simplest realization of the quantum
neuron complies with classical neuron.
Will built quantum neuron allowing realize all logical operations.
О.А. Голованова, В.А. Когут, Е.В. Желяев.
Моделирование нуклеации оксалата кальция.
The mathematical model of oxalates crystallization based on Fokker-Plank equation is builded and its properties
are studied. Numerical robust method solving nonlinear boundary problem is developed.
Crystallization process with periodical circles of kidney filling and depletion is explored and relation between
average crystal radius and circles count is determined.
О.Т. Данилова, Ф.В. Коржов.
Построение модели расчета процесса влияния
электромагнитного поля на вещество.
In given work are presented main positions to make models
of the influence elektromagnetic field on structured change
material. Model allows to get information on nature
thermodynamic and elektromagnetic parameter in system,
value the direct energy influence on material of the complex
composition for the reason speedups of the reactions
reconstruction useful components.
Антенный комплекс как сложная система.
In this article a main principle of buliding of
consultation systems, i.e. modelling of actions of a specialist at a
stage of preliminary design, is described.
А.В. Пролубников.
Алгоритм поиска приближенного решения задачи проверки изоморфизма подграфов.
We consider the subgraph isomorphism problem with the
following restriction. We suppose that both checked graphs have
the same number of vertices. Proposed metric represents the
distance between checked graphs. This metric allows to come to the
problem of finding an optimal embedding of one of the graphs into
another. The supposed algorithm is an algorithm for finding an
approximate solution for the problem. Conditions needed for the
algorithm effectiveness are considered.
А.С. Толстуха.
Обтекание решеток произвольных лопастей идеальной
несжимаемой жидкостью.
Various aspects of the numerical solution
using finite element method
for the 3-d potential flow of the ideal fluid
through the rotor blades of the turbomachine
are discussed.
Paper covered
the problem stage,
wakes influence and secondary flow questions.
Also considered discreet solution techniques and its convergence.
Математическая экономика
М.А. Добренко, А.К. Гуц.
Первичные структуры отношений Кулакова в микроэкономике.
In this article the Kulakov initial structures in microeconomics are considered.
Early the Kulakov initial structures were applied to physics and sociology.
Теоретическая физика
С.В. Белим.
Критическая динамика трехмерных спиновых систем с эффектами
The renormalization-group method is applied to analysis of
dynamic of critical behavior in three-dimensional Ising systems
with long-range effect.
А.К. Гуц, Е.В. Палешева.
Обобщенный закон времени и его следствия.
The stochastic properties of time is studied. We suggest that epoch of elementary fact
is random variable. The three laws of time are found.
В.В. Прудников, В.Н. Бородихин, А.Н. Вакилов, П.В. Прудников.
Компьютерное моделирование критического поведения трехмерной неупорядоченной
модели Изинга.
For the first time the critical parameters of the effective Hamiltonian for
weakly disordered three-dimesional Izing model are determined by Monte Carlo simulation
for systems with spin concentrations p=0,95; 0,80. The calculated values of fixed-point coordinates
and critical exponents for these spin concentrations are in a good accordance with each other in the
range of statistical errors and with field-theoretical results in the six-loop approximation. It can
be considered as evidence of critical behaviour universality for weakly disordered systems.
Информационные технологии
P.И. Газизов, Н.В. Жданов, С.Л. Ланчук, Г.Б. Тодер.
Компьютерная демонстрационно-обучающая
программа «Удивительный мир кристаллов. Свойства симметрии».
The computer demonstrating and training program is presented. The
program is devoted to questions of the symmetry and structure of
crystals. It can be recommended to teachers and students of
technical and classical universities for computer-assisted
instructoin of Solid State Physics.
И.А. Земсков.
SimCOSAR: программный комплекс моделирования
процесса мониторинга состояния информационного поля Интернет.
The article presents the description of simulation program package (named as SimCOSAR).
Computer programs were realized on Python with SimPy package.
И.М. Зырянова, Г.Б. Тодер.
Комплексный подход к образованию: реализация
межпредметных связей в традиционных и новых образовательных
The complex approach to education are realized at the Chair of
Physics and Chemistry of The Omsk State Railway University on the
base of relations between subjects (physics with chemistry and
others). The results of two years direct work with a check
student's group are presented.
И.М. Зырянова, Г.Б. Тодер, А.А. Яцук.
Расширенная версия компьютерной
чающей программы «Строение атома и периодическая
система элементов». Результаты ее использования и их анализ.
The computer demonstrating and controlling program is presented. The
program is devoted to questions of the structure and chemical
properties of atoms and structure of Thе Periodic System. Work
of the program's extended version is described. Analysis of results
of one's use are given.
Д.Н. Лавров, А.В. Мухоморов.
Защита базы данных фотодокументов.
In article method protection database is presented.
The method is combination of the block algorithm of the cryptooperation and
А.В. Угаров.
Автоматизация построения запросов к реляционным базам данных.
In this article the new method of construction of queries
to relation databases. The method is based on join property
verification and let automatic construction queries with correct
outer joins.