Математические структуры и моделирование:
Сб. научн. тр./ Под ред. А.К.Гуца.
Омск: Омск. гос. ун-т, 2002. Вып. 9. 184 с.
ISBN 5-8239-0071-6
Сборник составлен из статей преподавателей и аспирантов математического
факультета Омского государственного университета и других вузов.
Для научных работников, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов.
Полная версия сборника
Фундаментальная математика
УДК 519.715
А.К. Гуц.
Симметричное управление, не выводящее динамическую систему
за пределы конуса.
We study a control dinamic system in \R^3 that is symmetric with respect
to Lie group G which acts simple transitivelly and affinely in \R^3
and linear with respect to control parameters. The purpose is discription
of all convex cones in which lies the system trajectory.
УДК 519.6
И.И. Еремин, И.М. Соколинская.
Фейеровские итерационные процессы для несобственных задач линейного
In this article, we consider the Fеjеr's methods of solving
the intrinsic (having a solution) and non-intrinsic (having no
solution) linear optimization problems of 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd
types. The method is based on the reduction of mentioned problems
to consistent and inconsistent systems of linear inequalities. For
these systems, we construct the various variants of Fejerian
processes which are converging to a solution or quasi-solution of
the linear inequalities system. We discuss some aspects concerned
to constructing of the iterative Fejerian mappings and the
iterative sequences generated by them.
УДК 514.763
В.А. Кыров.
Двумерные гельмгольцевы пространства.
The Helmholtz planes are defined and their motion groups are given. The
quasi-metric tensor that is analogues of metric tensor of the Riemannian spaces
is found.
УДК 517.91:510.642
А.А. Звягинцев.
Дифференциальные уравнения в Синтетической дифференциальной геометрии
Theory of differential equations in intuitionistic Synthetic Differential Geometry of
Kock-Lawvere is considered. The problem of solution uniquness is disscussed.
УДК 514:510.642
А.А. Звягинцев.
Связность Леви-Чевита в синтетической дифференциальной геометрии Кока-Ловера.
In the article we consider correspondence between connection and
the Riemannian metric on a microlinear spaces.
УДК 007:681.517.2
В.А. Маренко.
Использование нечетких отношений для~формализации знаний.
The description of knowledge representation is given in terms of fuzzy sets.
УДК 007:681.517.2
Б.К. Нартов.
Об одном методе оптимизации начальных условий
в управлении динамическими системами.
In the paper the new method's possibilities of the orientation optimization the
begining conditions in the dinamical sistems control are presented.
УДК 541.124+517.95
Р.К. Романовский, И.Д. Макарова, С.Е. Макаров.
Условия существования стационарного режима в реакторе с кипящим слоем катализатора.
Тhе article considers the boundary value problem, simulating the process in chemical
reactor with the boiling layer of catalyst. The conditions of
existence of stationary solutions are established.
А.В. Пролубников.
Оценка приближенного решения алгоритмом Хватала задачи о покрытии.
In the paper we consider the Set Cover Problem. This
problem is NP-hard. So it becomes very important to find
approximate solution of this problem in polinimial time. Algorithm
developed by V. Chvatal is such algorithm and it is most effective
algorithm developed for set cover problem. Followed statement true
for this algorithm: \frac{c(Chv)}{c(Opt)}\leq \ln\, m+1.
We have found another proof for this statement. Our proof is more
simple and vivid by our opinion.
А.В. Пролубников, Р.Т. Файзуллин.
Эвристический алгоритм дешифровки шифра двойной перестановки.
In the paper we consider heuristic algorithm for solving
graph isomorphism problem. The algorithm based on a successive
splitting of the eigenvalues of the matrices which are
modifications (to positive defined) of graphs' adjacency matrices.
Modification of the algorithm allows to find a solution for
Frobenius problem. Formulation of the Frobenius problem is
following one. Given a pair of two matrices with the same number of
rows and columns. We must find out whether one of the matrix can
be acquired from another by permutation of it's rows and strings
or not. Solution of Frobenius problem can give to us efficient way
for decrypting of double permutation cyphers problem for high
dimension matrices.
Р.Р. Файзуллин.
Об ультраметрических тетраэдрах и треугольниках.
In this article relationships between ultrametric spaces
and spaces of negative curvature are considered.
УДК 519.17(075.8)
Н.Ф. Богаченко, Р.Т. Файзуллин
Механические аналогии в задаче Штейнера.
The statement of the Shteiner problem and some approximate
approaches are covered in this article. It is suggested the
heuristic algorithm to the decision of the Shteiner problem which
based on the mechanical analogies.
УДК 621.365.5:537.221
О.Т. Данилова
Алгоритм расчета технологических параметров нагрева
порошковых образцов в высокочастотном электромагнитном поле.
The method for matematical description of the characteristics of high-frequency
heating is developed.
УДК 517.958
Л.В. Недорезов, Е.В. Волкова.
Об одной модели динамики численности
изолированной популяции.
At present paper there is the analysis of continuous-discrete model
of isolated population dynamics. It's assumed that population
has nonoverlapping genera\-tions and appearance of individuals of
new generation correlates with the death of previous.
Also it's assumed that during the winter period there isn't
the activity of individuals in population (for example, it's
typical for insects in boreal forests), and part of individuals
eliminates. Productivity of individuals is constant and death
rate during the winter period depends on the food conditions
(i.e. the respective function in model depends on the values of
integral on any time intervals). For model there is the analysis
of dynamic regimes and, in particular, determination of conditions
of stability of origin and existance of nontrivial equilibrium.
For one partial case of model it was shown that the
chaotic regimes can be realized under certain values of parameters.
УДК 517.958
Л.В. Недорезов, Ю.В. Утюпин.
Об одной непрерывно-дискретной модели динамики
численности двуполой популяции.
In present paper there is the consideration of parametric model of
isolated population dynamics with sex structure. It's assumed
that appearance of individuals of new generations is realized at any
fixed time moments tk and death rate has a continuous nature.
The dynamic regimes of model are analyzed. In particular, it was obtained
that cyclic and chaotic regimes can be realized in model under certain
values of it's parameters.
УДК 519.6:611.716.4:616.716.4-089.28-053:612.015
В.М. Семенюк, И.Н. Путалова, А.В. Артюхов, А.В. Сырцова, А.К. Гуц.
Применение метода конечных элементов в стоматологии
(обзор литературных источников).
The world scientific press has paid more attention to publications on
studies based on FEAM. This article is devoted to medical articles
published by researchers from Russia, Japan, USA and other contries,
who use FEAM in dentistry. FEAM applications are not exhausted.
Compilers of the abstract consider that it is interesting and necessary
to apply modern methods of mathematical analysis in their own scientific
УДК 519.6:611.716.4:616.716.4 - 089.28 - 053:612.015
В.М. Семенюк, А.К. Гуц, Н.И. Панова.
Компьютерные эксперименты с моделью
штифтовой конструкции с большим диаметром штифта.
Mathematical model of the tooth with a cast and core with diameter 2mm was
built with the help of a special software package for simulating. The
model was
tested with simulating loads of various values and directions. The model shows
that core with diameter 2mm can not be strong and can not be used.
УДК 681.32
Р.И. Нужин, В.А. Шапцев.
Инструмент моделирования процесса дозирования активности компьютера.
The computer activity dozing algorithm and its general architecture
are announced. Characteristics of a simulation system are described
as a some engineering tool for a creation of effective information
source dozing activity algorithms.
Теоретическая физика
УДК 536.763/764
С.В. Белим.
Зависимость критического поведения однородных сжимаемых систем
от размерности параметра порядка.
The renormalization-group method is applied to analysis of phase
transitions in systems where the order parametr is coupled to
nonordering additional elastic variable. A variety of critical and
tricritical behavior is found as function of the physical
variables and possible macroccopic constraints imposed on the
system. The tricritical exponents were calculated in two-loop order
with using Pade-Borel summation technique.
УДК 530.12:531.51
Е.В. Палешева.
Вклад спинорных духов в интерференцию квантовых частиц.
In this article a question of the ghost spinors's influence to the
quantum particles's interference is investigated. The interaction between
spinors and ghost spinors are considered. Furthermore the conditions of zero
stress-energy tensor in private cases are found. Also we consider a question
of experimental test of existanse of Deutsch's shadow pacticles.
Информационные технологии и искусственный интеллект
УДК 681.3
Т.Б. Бигильдеева, В.В. Таркаев.
О пакете программ недифференцируемой оптимизации.
In the article the complex of the nondifferential
optimization programs including special means of maintenance of
input-output of the data and visualization of optimization process
is considered. These features of the software package make its
convenient as by development both research of new algorithms and
methods of optimization, and with use it in educational process.
УДК 681.518
И.А. Земсков.
Сбор информации о доступных ресурсах Интернет.
We first study the generic search engine architecture, then review all problems of
collecting information about Web's resources and finally describe three building
conception of search engine's module for collecting information about Web's resources.
Преподавание математики и физики
УДК 378.147:539.196
М.П. Ланкина.
Задачи с элементами исследования при обучении физике.
In this article is presented one example of estimation task on physics solution
as the means of projective and cognitive skills formation on the way of physicist