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Fundamental Mathematics and Physics
A.K. Guts.
Quantum Time Machine and Loop Quantum Gravity.
The description of a quantum time machine,
implementing intertemporal transitions, within the framework of
loop quantum gravity is given. In contrast to quantum
geometrodynamics, in this case it becomes clear how to
produce influences that change the modern geometry to the past one.
Keywords: quantum time machine, loop quantum gravity, spin net, spin foam.
A.K. Guts
Alternative New Cosmogony
In the article the mathematical apparatus is
indicated, by means of which we can realize the ideas of Hegel
about being, about the alienation of ideas in Nature, as well as
the theory of the creation of the Universe by active
consciousness, which is alternative to the theory of the Big Bang.
Keywords: Cosmogony, the creation of the universe, being, nothing, fractal compression, materialization (localization) of ideas.
A.N. Kabanov
Central Series of the Group of Unitriangular Automorphisms of a Free Nilponent Leibniz Algebra with Index 2.
The central series of the group of unitriangular automorphisms of a free
nilpotent Leibniz algebra with index 2 over an arbitrary field is described.
Keywords: Leibniz algebra, nilpotent algebra, unitriangular automorphism, central series.
Applied Mathematics and Modeling
P.I. Vaynmaster.
Solution for Data Processing in Systems of Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing.
Performing operations on Hydraulic fracturing (HF) requires control of the fracture growth.
A common technology providing such control is microseismic monitoring. It's based on solving problems of
location of sources of seismic emission and their visualization on a three-dimensional coordinate grid.
The existing methods of HF monitoring have a number of drawbacks, among which is the low accuracy of measuring
the geometrical parameters of fractures and the dynamics of their growth.
In this article, the original approach to the processing of microseismic monitoring data is described, which allows
us to represent the fracturing zone in the form of three-dimensional continuous objects --- one or several fracture
layers filled with proppant. The proposed algorithms are based on the application of a number of digital signal
processing procedures: detection of a pulse on the background of noise and location of its source, spatial filtering
of sources, construction of fracture trajectories, interpolation of a set of sources and visualization of a three-dimensional
graphic model.
Keywords: hydraulic fracturing, fracture, seismic pulse, detection, filtering, trajectory construction, Delaunay triangulation.
O.V. Opryshko.
Calculation of the Parameters of Special Three-Dimensional Stationary Flows.
Tornadoes and tropical cyclones are a natural phenomenon that is characterized by what arises from the
ordinary, rising upward flow of air warmed by the sun. Under certain conditions, such a flow acquires high speeds,
as a result of which, multiple disruptions occur. The original scheme of initiation of the natural ascending swirling
flows in the form of tornadoes or tropical cyclones was put forward and substantiated by S. P. Bautin. The mathematic
simulation of gas flow in a bottom part of a tornado is effectuated due to Fujita scale and enhanced Fujita scale which
comprises systematized data of in situ observations of tornadoes of various intensity, namely, values of the width of damage
path and maximum wind speed. For the system of equations of gas dynamics, one Cauchy problem is posed with the initial conditions
given on an impenetrable horizontal plane \(z = 0\). In the numerically-analytical method for solving this problem, the gas dynamic
parameters are determined, including the kinetic energy of ascending swirling flows. Calculations were carried out for various classes
of tornadoes and tropical cyclones from the enhanced Fujita scale for different heights of the considered flows.
Keywords: system of equations of gas dynamics, gas dynamic parameters, Fujita scale, kinetic energy of the flow.
V.A. Shovin.
Autocorrelation Neural Network of Factor Analysis.
An algorithm for performing factor analysis based on an autocorrelation neural
network is developed. The neural network of this type has the ability to autocorrelation
the input and output signals. In this neural network, an additional layer of neurons with weight
coefficients equal to the values of the input signal is added to carry out the back propagation
of the error from the maximum of the correlation of the input and output signals. Maximizing the
correlation of the input and output signals leads to the realization of factor analysis and calculation
of the principal components in the case of a smaller number of neurons on the output layer than on the
input layer of the neural network. Test calculations of the principal components of this algorithm on
the data of arterial hypertension showed the identity of significant factor loads and factor structures
with other methods of searching for the principal components.
Keywords: factor analysis, neural network, back propagation method
T.Yu. Nazarova, D.N. Lavrov.
Computer Modeling of Identification by the Iris of The Eye Based on OpenCV.
The results of recognition algorithm construction based on the use of the OpenCV library are given.
The results of primary experiments on image recognition on a small base are presented.
Keywords: iris, identification, recognition.
Edgar Daniel Rodriguez Velasquez, Carlos M. Chang Albitres, Vladik Kreinovich.
Fuzzy Ideas Explain a Complex Heuristic Algorithm for Gauging Pavement Conditions.
To gauge pavement conditions, researchers have come
up with a complex heuristic algorithm that combines several expert
estimates of pavement characteristics into a single index --- which
is well correlated with the pavement's durability and other
physical characteristics. While empirically, this algorithm works
well, it lacks physical or mathematical justification beyond being
a good fit for the available data. This lack of justification
decreases our confidence in the algorithm's results --- since it is
known that often, empirically successful heuristic algorithms need
change when the conditions change. To increase the practitioners'
confidence in the resulting pavement condition estimates, it is
therefore desirable to come up with a theoretical justification
for this algorithm. In this paper, we show that by using fuzzy
techniques, it is possible to come up with the desired justification.
Keywords: gauging pavement conditions, fuzzy logic.
Solymar Ayala, Aaron Velasco, Vladik Kreinovich.
Soft Computing Ideas Can Help Earthquake Geophysics.
Earthquakes can be devastating, thus it is important
to gain a good understanding of the corresponding geophysical
processes. One of the challenges in geophysics is that we cannot
directly measure the corresponding deep-earth quantities, we have
to rely on expert knowledge, knowledge which often comes in terms
of imprecise (``fuzzy'') words from natural language. To formalize
this knowledge, it is reasonable to use techniques that were
specifically designed for such a formalization --- namely, fuzzy
techniques. In this paper, we formulate the problem of optimally
representing such knowledge. By solving the corresponding
optimization problem, we conclude that the optimal representation
involves using piecewise-constant functions. For geophysics
applications, this means that we need to go beyond tectonic plates
to explicitly consider parts of the plates that move during the
earthquake. We argue that such an analysis will lead to a better
understanding of earthquake-related geophysics.
Keywords: earthquake geophysics, soft computing, Haar wavelets.
Francisco Zapata, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich.
How to Select the Best Paper: Towards Justification (and Possible Enhancement) of Current Semi-Heuristic Procedures.
To select the best paper at a conference or in a
journal, people use reasonably standard semi-heuristic procedures
like averaging scores. These procedures usually work well, but
sometimes, new situations appear for which the existing procedures
are not automatically applicable. Since the existing procedures
are heuristic, it is often not clear how to extend them to new
situations. In this paper, we provide a possible explanation for
the existing procedures. This explanations enables us to naturally
generalize these procedures to possible new situations.
Keywords: selecting the best paper, probabilistic approach
Computer Science
L.A. Volodchenkova, S.I. Korolev.
Software for Teaching Children of Lower Grades Fast Reading.
The article the software application for automatization of the process of children teaching to fast reading.
Keywords: fast reading, software application, techniques of rapid reading.
A.D. Gorodetsky, D.N. Lavrov.
Semi-Automatic Application Memory Management
The article presents an approach to memory management of an application based
on semi-automatic control that combines the convenience of an automatic "garbage collector"
and completely manual control, as is customary in the C language. This is a fairly flexible
approach that can change the types of memory managers during program execution and / or even depending on the platform.
Keywords: garbage collector, application memory, memory management algorithms.
Information Security
S.V. Belim, S.Yu. Belim.
Problems of Security Policy Creation at Information Systems Association
In article the problem of security policy creation at two information systems association as
an optimizing task is considered. In this task two parameters --- confidentiality and availability
of information are allocated. Criterion function is make up. Options of systems association with identical
security models are considered. The optimality of the proposed solutions is investigated.
Keywords: security policy, discretionary access control, mandatory access control.